Tips & tricks when moving to an apartment

If you want to really save money on a move, there is some advice there. First of all, it is important to have different offers in front of you. You should pay attention to whether all costs incl. are. We always advise to ask for a fixed price.

Hidden costs of moving can hide under the following items:

  • Floor
  • Footpath
  • Km distance
  • Packing / Unpacking
  • additional order of moving material
  • More movers are needed than agreed upon
  • Weekend surcharge
  • Inappropriate times
  • Insurance in case of possible damage
  • An age heavy cabinet
  • Antique furniture
  • Piano
  • Goods for which special transportation is necessary
  • Elevator present yes or no
  • Backyard or side wing
  • Accessibility of the apartment

In order to avoid such or other costs that can come in addition, an inspection appointment is quite important. In most cases, this is also offered free of charge. Let us give you a fixed price offer, so you should be able to protect yourself better than with a daily price anegbot or hourly price.

Moving to a new home can be a stressful and time-consuming task. It takes a lot of planning, organization and coordination to make sure everything goes smoothly. This article presents some tips and tricks that can help you make the move to a new apartment as smooth as possible.

Planning is everything

One of the most important requirements for a successful move is thorough planning. Make a list of all the things that need to get done and set a time slot for each task. Make sure you start planning early so you have enough time to get everything done.

Declutter before the move

Before you start moving, you should clean out your belongings. Go through room by room and sort out your belongings. Throw away things you no longer need or donate them to charity. In this way, you will have to transport fewer things to the new apartment, which will save time and money.

Use professional moving companies

If you have a large apartment or have a lot of heavy furniture, it may be worth hiring a professional moving company. These companies have experience and the right equipment to make the move quickly and safely. Compare different offers and choose the best one.

Pack your things properly

It is important that you pack your belongings properly to protect them during transport. Use sturdy boxes to pack your belongings and make sure they are well secured. Use newspaper, bubble wrap or other cushioning materials to protect your fragile items.

Mark your cartons

Properly labeling your boxes will save you time and effort when unpacking them. Label the boxes with the contents and the room for which they are intended. This way you know exactly where each item belongs and can unpack it quickly and easily.

Inform important offices about your new address

Be sure to notify key agencies such as your bank, insurance company and other service providers of your new address. This way you can ensure that all important documents and invoices are sent to the correct address.

Familiarize yourself with your new neighborhood

When you move into a new neighborhood, it’s important to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Find out where the nearest stores, doctors, schools and recreational facilities are. This way you can quickly settle into your new home.


Moving can be a stressful and time-consuming task, but with proper planning and organization, you can ensure that everything goes smoothly. Benefit